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On December 13th, 2013 incorporation papers were filed and mailed in the establishment of Alive In Christ Church. The vision God gave Rev. Williams was becoming a reality! January 19th, 2014 was Rev. Williams last Sunday as an associate minister at Providence M.B.C. He would soon be walking in the office he'd been trained for by the late Joe. Allen Games. Feb. 1st was the first official church service at Alive In Christ Church. 80 people showed up in the middle of a snow storm! Since its inception AIC has been growing in love, in faith, and in number. Rev. Williams was officially installed as Pastor of Alive In Christ on March 4th, 2014 at Abiding Faith Fellowship Church by founding Pastor, Bishop Anthony L. Oliphant! This service was concluded with the laying of the hands ceremony officiated by Pastor Martin Childs, Robert T. Wilson, Pastor Louis Sibley, Pastor Andrew Johnson, Pastor John Laura and the community of faith! In A.I.C's short history they've baptized over 100 souls in the YMCA pool. God has blessed Alive In Christ with loving people, an amazing choir, a talented band, a gifted youth choir, friendly ushers, faithful Deacons, great teachers, annointed associate ministers, and praying men and women who love the Lord. Please keep us in your prayers. We believe by faith that the best is yet to come.

 Community Activism 

The Alive In Christ Church family regularly volunteers as cooks and servers at the  Milwaukee Rescue Mission helping to feed the homeless.  In addition their Women's Ministry gives yearly donations to the Sojourner Truth and Joy House, a homeless and battered women's shelter. They've sang at nursing homes bringing blankets at Christmas to comfort the elderly among us. AIC partnered with the Youth Leadership Academy by purchasing countless breakfast and lunches for the mentees since its inception. Furthermore, AIC has partnered with two schools Young Leaders Academy and Milwaukee College Prep by purchasing coats, winter accessories, school uniforms, and back to school supplies for scholars in need. Yearly AIC gives scholarships to graduates who attend faith based schools up to $500. In addition AIC hosts an annual bike raffle for children with perfect attendance, helping to promote great attendance and academic excellence. AIC also hosts an annual "Breakfast with Dad" event where hundreds of fathers have been fed in an effort to foster healthy relationships between faculty and families. This also serves as a thank you to all fathers and father figures for their mentorship on behalf of students, teachers, and the church. Weekly worship services are held to bring hope, life, and joy to the broken, weary, and wounded. In a shirt amount if time Alive in Christ is making a difference in a city filled with opportunity. Lives are being changed, souls are being saved, hearts are being mended, destinies are being rewritten, through the work of this church. Please keep this assembly uplifted as they strive to continue the work of the Lord.

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